Saturday, December 12, 2020

CDS: What is it?

Chlorine Dioxide Solution

  • Water purifier with medicinal use

  • Ingestible Universal Anti-Pathogen

  • Kills all bacteria virus fungus parasites

  • Chemotherapy with NO side-effects

  • Take concentrated medicinal dosages

  • Works on COVID-19 


 LINKS of interest

Chlorine dioxide solution, CDS, is a water purification chemical that has been in use for over a century.  It is used by municipalities in community water supply systems.  Hospitals use it in blood banks.  On hiking and camping trips, this compound often in tablet form is what is taken along to purify drinking water collected in the wild.  So its usefulness and effectiveness is well established, and it is totally harmless to healthy human tissue at the medicinal dosage level.  The shocking information that is being presented here is that it could be a cure for most any affliction known to be pathogen-based, and for many that aren't.  Often medical science just simply has not progressed far enough to identify the pathogen at the root of a disorder.  When taken in dosages many times higher than what is used for just purifying drinking water, it will kill pathogens in the body just as it does in a canteen filled with water from a creek.  For the sake of this discourse, this high dosage is referred to as a "medicinal dosage".

Chlorine dioxide is a gaseous compound that is a water purification chemical.  When dissolved in water, it is called Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS).  By its designated usage, it is safely ingestible, even at the "medicinal" dosage levels.  It is completely nonreactive to healthy tissue when dissolved in water, but is deadly to pathogens and cancer inside the body.  However the gas, in its pure form, if inhaled, will burn the lungs.  Otherwise, it has no side effects when taken in water solution.

As a water purifier, it is used around the world to remove pathogens from drinking water.  At a medicinal dosage, it can be used for hundreds of ailments when the concentration in a glass of water is raised by a factor of 30 to 50 times higher what is used to just purify a glass of water before drinking.  It is a UNIVERSAL ANTI-PATHOGEN, meaning it could be used on any disease or illness based on any anaerobic virus, bacteria, fungus or parasite.  It will work on many afflictions, such as something labelled as auto-immune, for instance, where the case may be, that medical science simply has as of yet been unable to isolate the pathogen at the root of a problem.  The question arises, "If it works in a glass of water, why not your body?"  And "If taken at higher 'medicinal' dosages, will it do for your body what it does for a glass of water?"  By my personal experience, the answer is emphatically YES!  I have been drinking it for all my personal colds, repiratory infections, sore throats, and potential cancer issues for about 4 years.   It is cheap and totally harmless to the human body at the higher medicinal dosages.  And it has no side effects!  As such it is the perfect supplement to assist the body's immune system.  Pathogens can never develop an immunity to it.  CDS's pH matches your body's own pH level (slightly basic) and is a major factor in understanding it's compatibility with human tissue.  All pathogens are apparently slightly acidic, and thus triggers the chemical to react upon contact with the ClO2 molecule, releasing its oxygen, which goes about its normal oxidation business to kill the germ, virus, fungus or parasite.  It acts much like a white blood cell which is known to use oxygen also to kill pathogens.  

A struggle with a serious condition with undesirable or inadequate modern medical treatments will often be the impetus to try CDS.  My personal experience started in regards to arthritis and the inflammation it causes.  Since CDS is only known to kill pathogens and it helps with arthritic inflammation, it would seem to indicate that pathogens are involved in any inflammation.  There is no money in it for the medical industry since it is made with cheap and plentiful chemicals by simple chemical reactions.  Wikipedia explicitly says that it must NOT be taken internally.  By personal experience, this must be labelled as mis-information, possibly deliberately so.  Do they remain willfully ignorant of this chemical's benefit, or are its properties known somewhere up in management?  This chemical, being an un-patentable cheap cure-all for an estimated 97% of human conditions, clearly makes it a target for information suppression by the giant pharmaceutical industry.  Here is a video on this topic by a prominent researcher of this chemistry,  ANDREAS KALCKER FORBIDDEN HEALTH RE: CORONAVIRUS ( 

Besides usefulness for arthritis, it is very helpful for all manners of respiratory infections; colds, sore throats, and notably cancer issues.  As for cancer issues, personal experience has been documented with medical tests during treatment with exceptional results.  A thyroid nodule with a 70% chance of cancer diagnosis was radically reduced in size by 50%, and then found to be benign upon removal after using CDS for 45 days prior to surgery.  Concerning the prostate with all its low grade cancer concerns and medieval biopsy techniques, CDS treatment has lowered PSA numbers (a secondary indicator of prostate cancer) by a whole point in a two-week treatment.  It is essentially chemotherapy WITH NO SIDE-EFFECTS. 

A man named Jim Humble is credited with first discovering the medicinal properties of Chlorine Dioxide.  He called it MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement or Master Mineral Solution, etc.), using acid the with the chemical compound, sodium chlorite, which makes ClO2.  He discovered the medicinal properties in 1996 while prospecting for gold in the Amazon jungle, where he saved a team members' life who came down with malaria.  His full story may be found at his website (  When he initially discovered it, he started curing so many people of malaria in the country of Guyana that the government received a threat from big US pharma that they would stop shipping ALL drugs to all the hospitals there, if they didn't stop him from using it to cure malaria.  The Red Cross later did a test of MMS on malaria in Africa, verified the results and shouted it out to the world on their web page.  But their management got control of the situation and had it removed overnight, as they are under the control of big pharma and the world banking cartels also.  Here is a quote from Jim Humble's website about just some of the diseases it helps with.  

” has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), and the list goes on.” 

Jim Humble sells a Health Recovery Guidebook at his website that offers treatments for many diseases.  However it focuses mostly on the MMS compound, which is not as good as the similar CDS compound.  MMS is the 2-part chemicals used to make Chlorine Dioxide gas (ClO2) when mixed.  It's the gas compound that is dissolved in water (like carbon dioxide or CO2 in carbonated drinks) that provides the most safe and useful formulation that attacks pathogens.  CDS works because ALL pathogens are slightly acidic in the body and CDS is slightly alkaline, matching bodily tissues and blood, (and thus is non-reactive to human tissue.)  It's the acid-alkaline oxidation chemical reaction that kills pathogens.  There are some potential side effects of MMS (nausea) based on mistakes in mixing it, and the primary compound, sodium chlorite, used to make the chlorine dioxide, is usually only 80% pure and contains other inert salts, which are the most likely culprits in the stomach upset caused by using this approach.

A scientist by the name of Andreas Kalcker has devoted his career to researching MMS, and is responsible for transitioning to the use of CDS.  Dr. Andreas Kalcker's website ( ) is the best I have found on this topic.  Dr. Kalcker got rid of MMS side affects by using pure Chlorine Dioxide gas dissolved in water, and showed the world how to make it in this video  ( ) years ago.

Autism is an example of an affliction where CDS is being used as an alternative to modern medicine which offers nothing for it.  Two big names come up who are working on autism, Kerri Rivera (her website) ( ) and Andreas Kalcker using CDS/MMS.  Dr. Kalcker says CDS chelates (removes) heavy metals from the body, a prime suspect causal agent for autism.  Pesticides have also been pinpointed as a cause of autism in children.  For pesticide contamination in our food supply, like glyphosate, CDS is known to destroy the contaminant after it has invaded the body.  There are several great videos on CDS curing autism and Kerri has a book at her website, "Straight talk on Autism".  She has documented hundreds of cures for children with autism.  MIT professor, Stephanie Seneff, talks about their work in this video: MIT research on glyphosate (  Her successes are attributed to ClO2 at the 1-hour mark.  The active compound, glyphosate, in pesticides, such as Monsanto Round-up, has been implicated in autism, as it cannot be removed completely from cereal grains.  More research is covered in this video also at Kerri's site: Round-up compound destroyed by CDS (Link:

The MMS testimonials for Jim Humble's effort at, are fascinating.  If you have a problem or know someone who does, just look to see if it has posted a testimonial.  Methods of treatment are sometimes provided.  FDA warnings seem to conflate it with actual bleach, which is poisonous.  The bleach compound is sodium hypo-chlorite, NaHClO.  Note, one oxygen molecule in the formula. CDS is ClO2, with two oxygen molecules.  In chemistry, any slight difference in chemical formulas create radically different behavior, as bleach for instance is poisonous and CDS definitely is not.  After all, its primary use is water purification for drinking purposes.  CDS definitely has a chlorine smell at medicinal dosages.  Be sure to look at the study, "Chlorine Dioxide Is a Size-Selective Antimicrobial Agent", found at Andreas Kalcker's website.  He has devoted his career to the study of CDS and has continuously upgraded his website with more studies of the properties of CDS. 

Some treatment recommendations
Jim Humble's pdf book on types of treatments has foods and vitamins you should avoid. However it is built around MMS.  In its protocols for various illnesses and diseases, just substitute CDS, in concentrations of the solution bought from the mmsdetox website drop for drop.  That has worked perfectly for me over the years.  CDS must be refrigerated and may only last 6-9 mos in the bottle. The MMS 2-part approach is more stable and probably will last indefinitely before mixing.  Andreas Kalcker, on his website, has a protocol section that has treatments based on CDS, and has many more new treatments made possible by use of the dissolved gas compound.  

Use of a compound called DMSO is extremely helpful for topical use.  It is called a "carrier" or skin penetrant, because it takes CDS with it through the skin into the body.  It may be used to achieve higher concentrations to specific locations by applying the mixture on the skin, directly on a problem area.  

It is available from Australia at this web site: .  The two 4oz. bottle set is best as it lasts months without losing strength and comes to less than ~$40 per bottle.  It can last 4-6 months with daily usage.  Ebay offers many two-part “MMS”-style compounds will keep indefinitely until mixed, while CDS has a shelf life (6-9 mos.) , and seems to last well as long as refrigerated and the lid tightly closed.  Another similar product is called Biotraxx. 

Preparing it for use and storage
To prepare a drinking solution for such conditions as cancer or respiratory infections, mix 1 drop per ounce of the CDS in a 12oz. bottle, splitting it into two or three doses a day.  It may be taken 3-4 times a day and more.  It is best taken on an empty stomach, away from foods and medication.  Vitamins, especially anti-oxidants, must be completely avoided, as they react directly with ClO2, defeating the medication.  A few hours should give anti-oxidant vitamins (C,E) time to be digested.  

When ClO2 reacts, the by-products are table salt.  Jim Humble had indicated in one of his now-deleted Youtube videos (Big Tech censorship) that it takes a couple hours for a single dosage to be used up in the body.   In regard to prescription medication, separate their usage by several hours.

To apply topically, use a small 2 oz. spray bottle.  Mix 2 or 3 teaspoon of DMSO with 1 teaspoon of the CDS (40 drops), and fill with preferably distilled water.  Dilute as necessary for sensitive skin.   For a full strength application for such afflictions as arthritis, mix a few drops of CDS full strength with a teaspoon of DMSO and apply directly to sore joints and muscles.  The skin tingles with this full-strength application, and may affect sensitive skin more strongly.  Deep massage of stiff muscles will help, conducted until muscle pliability is restored.  When applied to skin abrasions and scrapes, the pain instantly disappears, as all infecting organisms are completely destroyed.

As CDS attacks and kills pathogens, a condition called "Herxhiemers syndrome" can arise, where the large sudden kill-off of pathogens in the body will tax the systems ability to remove them.  The recommendation is to start out light and build up to heavier dosages.

When drinking a ClO2 solution, it does have a chlorine smell.  Do not inhale the fumes out of the bottle.  The lung tissue is sensitive to them.  There is a slight “tanginess” to it, but for the most part is tasteless.  Research Kalcker's site,, under the CDS tab for instructions or “protocols” on treating ailments.  Polyethylene plastic bottles should be used for storing it in an application formulation.  Always use glass with hard plastic or metal caps for long term storage.  Rubber seals are attacked.  The lid must be kept tight and it should always be stored in the refrigerator. 

Personal results
Whenever used at the initial onset of a respiratory infection or sore throat, the sick feeling may disappear completely.  When used for a viral cold, it diminishes the most serious conditions quickly to the point of not feeling the need to miss a day of work.  It can be a primary defense against the flu.


 1. Order CDS from  A 4oz bottles sell for around $30.  They are at a concentration of 12,000 ppm.

2. Order DMSO ( to drive CDS thru you skin for topical application to problems.  Two 16oz bottles sell for about $20. 

3. Drink it: Put 1 drop per ounce, use distilled or purified water. Drink about 4 oz. at time on empty stomach 3-4 times a day.  Twice a day usage is also effective before bedtime and before breakfast.  Coffee has antioxidants that will neutralize it and should not be drinken for at least 30 minutes.  Rule of thumb: light yellow in color for drinking.

4. Topical application on problem areas: 1 1/2 tsp. DMSO, ~2 oz. distilled water, 1 tsp CDS. Put in small 2 0z spray bottle.  Rule of thumb: Dark yellow in color for topical application.

5.  Mix DMSO and CDS as obtained from (24,000ppm solution), a few drops CDS per teaspoon of DMSO, as for instance, to apply directly to arthritic muscles. 

CDS must be taken like an antibiotic, regularly a few times a day for a couple weeks or longer if necessary, depending on the seriousness of the condition it is being used to treat.  It would seem to be detrimental to intestinal good bacteria, but has not ever affected digestion.  It most likely is absorbed before it gets into the lower intestines.  It may be surmised that it will work on COVID just as well as it does for all other pathogens.  See Dr. Kalcker's assembled works on testing CDS/MMS against COVID.